
15 most life — changer quotes in the world.

 Some kind of quotes remind us that life has no end; convert our setbacks into our comebacks.    1- "If you can't do great things, do small things in a great way." Napoleon Hill Doesn't matter how big your dream are, you can become successful just by doing small things in a great way.  2- "We must not allow other people's limited perception to define us." - Virginia Satire  Don't ever look for someone else to tell you that what you can or can't do.  3- "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't  matter and those who matter don't mind". -Bernard Baruch Be real. Life is so simple, don’t make it complicated by taking tough decisions. Don't ever sacrifice your dreams for others dreams . 4- "Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. " - Eleanor Roosevelt  Do that things that makes you happy and relax. Don’t spread negativity,be the ambassador who spread positivity throughout the life.Reali...

Peer pressure/ Types/causes /effects/how to deal with it

Peer People who are similar to you in age. Peer pressure,  When peers emphasize you to do the same things they are doing.  Like smoke, Dance, long drive, and drink. Example ,  When one of your friend is dancing and asks you to dance with him/her. When you refuse to dance, but he/she keeps on asking you to dance, again and again. Finally you agreed to dance with him/her in effort to fit in,this is called peer pressure.  Types , Peer pressure can be,   1-Positive peer pressure,  Positive peer pressure is when your friend pressures you to study harder to secure good marks. And pressures you to part-time job to get extra money for big purchasing like cat flat.  2-Negative peer pressure,   Negative peer pressure is when one of your friends forces you to smoke with him/her, which you don't like and makes you unhappy. Or Pressuring someone to believe in religious or political stance, based on personal attacks. 3-Spoken peer pressure,  The most...

18 remarkable facts you didn't know before, about the Statue of Liberty

              So, Let's get started without any further do,  The Statue of Liberty is also known as Lady Liberty. Lady Liberty was a gift from France to United States on October 28, 1886. The full name of the statue is "Liberty Enlightening the World"  Statue of Liberty represents the liberated Roman goddess of freedom.  Edouard de Laboulaye, a French political thinker who dreamt of it. Sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, designed it. The face of Lady Liberty was modeled on the  face of Sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi's mother.   Gustave Eiffel built the integral metal of the statue. By the way, Eiffel is the same man who built the " Eiffel Tower".  Did you know?  Eiffel was the late-Comer to the project because before him Eugene Violet-Le-Duc was hired to build the statue, but unfortunately he died.     Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923)                  ...

Stop Body shaming.. Please!

What do you feel when you see yourself in  mirror?   Did you feel happy or regret?  If you feel happy then you are blessed, On the flip side, if you feel regret to be born like that, then you're in problematic situation.  Body shaming,  "Saying something about a person's body in negative sense, it can be size, age, hair, and clothing" Body shaming leads to depression, anxiety, and body dysmorphic. Body shaming is probably the norm these days which is uncomfortable truth for me and may be for you. Did physical appearance matter to you? If yes! Then you are in majority. I'm gonna tell you the truth about our people. You must have heard this phrase once or twice at some point in your life, how charming you would be if you were a little thinner, how charming you would be if you were a little whiter, you are so ugly compared to her, and it is not flattering at you . It's not in our control that how could all look like. So, stop being so judgemental, and by the ...

Impact of 9 colors in our lives!

  Color can be used as a tool for communication. Color can convey different messages to an audience. There are certain colors which can increase our blood pressure, metabolism, and eyestrain. So let’s look at the features of some the colors below, Green,  Green is the most dominant color in nature. Green color soothes our eyes. Green provokes a feeling of refreshment, rest, security, and peace. Green aids feeling of rest.  Blue,  Blue color is the symbol of calmness, serenity, stability and reliability. Commonly, it is considered peaceful, secure, and orderly. Blue color is a sign of stability, and reliability. White,  White color is a sign of purity, cleanliness, and peacefulness. In Western, white color symbolically linked with weddings and hospitals. On the flip side, In our culture white is associated with the pain and death. Red,  Red is symbolically linked with love, desire, passion, heat, lust, sexuality, romance, joy, strength, leadership, courage, ...

2 best series that you should never miss!

  2 best series that you should never miss! Vikings, Vikings is a historical TV drama series which is created by Michael Hirst . It is filmed in Ireland. Vikings is inspired by the stories of Viking Ragnar Lothbrok, who is one of the best legendary heroes . Ragnar and his family works in a farm, but Ragnor is not satisfied, as he wants to escape from serfdom to nobility and wants to earn fame. Which he nearly gets after successful raids into Anglo-Saxon kingdoms and Francia. The series follows the legendary Viking Ragnar Lothbrok and his crew, and in later seasons those of his sons.The series is inspired by the historical events from European Union. Main Star cast Travis Fimmel (Ragnar Lothbrok)   Katheryn Winnick ( Lagertha, Ragnar's wife)  Alexander Ludwig (Bjorn Ironside, Ragnar's son)  Clive Standen (Rollo, Ragnar's brother)   Gustaf Skarsgard ( Floki, a boat maker  Ragnar's friend) George Blagden (Athelstan, captured by Ragnor during his first raid)...

7 reasons why I love my short hair?

Introduction  Hair is a symbol of our self-confidence.Our hair is also a symbol of our beauty and identity. The positive or negative view of one’s hair can greatly affect a woman. Hair's length, color and texture matters to our personality. Commonly, girls feel that their bad hair day equals to bad day . Women can speak a lot through their hairstyle. Hairstyle are symbols of liberation. In china,  In the past, China has ordered its women to cut their hair up to their ears.That haircut named"Liberation Hairdo". The command meant that the woman could make her own life decisions and become stronger. After that, the women continued to style and express their thoughts through their hair.  7 reasons why I love my short hair?  Makes me different from others,  Short hair is not as common as long hair.  All my friends and cousins have long hair but I am the only one who has short hair. That's why they set me apart. I love it when I look different.  Increases m...