Educate your Girls🙏

There is nothing more important than education for girls, I think you will agree.Education is something that makes humans different from animals. Education is important for everyone, but more so for girls. When one girl studies, the whole family reads.Of course the world will develop a lot, but we are still where we were.  In 2022 for us, round bread is more important than anything wether it meant for gathering knowledge and relating it to our own advantages and to the other as well. It's a little better in our village that boys have started to go to schools and colleges, but there's no change for a girls.

      In Pakistan, an estimated 22.5 million children are out of school, of which the majority are girls. The reason for this is that in Pakistan, the educational institutions have been attacked many times by the terrorists which has great impact on girls’ education and threats to close down schools. Girl is not a piece of property. She's a child who deserves a future. 

Some people are afraid of what might happen if every single girl could read and write,and learn. 

Some eye- opening facts about the education of girls in pakistan.

  • About 5.4 million children are out of School, and 62% of them are girls. 

  • Abou 7 million adolescents are out of  school and sadly 54% of them are girls. 

  • 49% girls who begin primary school leave before completing their final grade.

  • About 130 million girls never visit to School. 

  • Boys have greater chances to attend School than girls. 

  • Majority of the adults have  never received education.

In 2014, the ratio of girls drops to 66 percent for girls in primary school.

"Quite tre" 


Following are the barriers to girl's education 

  • The lack of transport

  • Poverty

  • Wrong religious perceptions

  • Gender based violence against women and girls 

  • Child marriage limits girls access to quality education 

  • Lack of education infrastructure 

  • Absence of safe environments and physical disabilities 

  •  Fear of Sexual Harassment    

Education is a basic human right. The government should take some solid steps to improve both the equality & quality of education for each and every girl in Pakistan. You can cal it my dream. Education is the only the possible way to make progress, to improve our economy good and  to make our country proud. For this purpose awareness should be provided to every threshold through media. 

By Educating your girls.... 

  • By Educating your girls, girls will be able to understand that what is wrong or right for them. 

  • By Educating your girls, you can automatically saves their lives and also help them to build stronger families and communities.

  • By keeping your girls  in schools, is one of the best ways of delaying early or child marriage. On like the average, the likelihood of a girl marrying as a child is six percentage points less for every additional year she stays in secondary education.

  • By Educating your girls, you will help them to be aware from the surrounding violence and less likely to remain the victim of the  sexual harassment, child abuse and acid attack type things. 

  • An educated girl is better informed about the issues like early marriage and unintended pregnancy. 

  • Educate your girls, that they might be able to raise their voices against the sexual violence or domestic violence. They should know that's not their fault and don't be shy to report that practice. 

                         " No means No" 

Please!! Don't get me wrong.. Don't. I know that you will relate it with "Aurat March". Mostly people don't like "Aurat March" in my country due to some reason. They can be you too. 




  1. Well done ! Keep it up i agree all of these facts Good work

  2. 👏👍 Now a days it's compulsory to awear people about Girls education importance bcz society is becoming commercialized day by day and this emerging society system also need Girls who are brave and waana to be a nation daughter.
    Good keep it up. Really you are doing a great job.

  3. Great words ..girls education is really a matter that's need attention of our government and its first of all duty of parents to understand the importance of their Girls education specially in villages and backward areas..i appreciate you for speaking about this important topic..

  4. Great words...i really appreciate you to to speak about this important topic really this needs quick attention of our Government and parents too, specially in backward areas keep it up


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