30 smashing_facts about Roger Federer

" Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine." Roger Federer is a Swiss tennis player; he was born on August 18,1981 in Basel (Switzerland). His mother belongs to South Africa, while his father is from Switzerland. They just met over a trip that was planned for South Africa. Now they are working together for a pharmaceutical company. Federer enjoys the citizenship of both countries of both countries, no matter from which corner of the world their parents belonged. Did you know that Roger’s mother was an athlete at her high school. So, it’s in the genes of Federer to become a player. However, it's another fact she can’t continue anymore due to a consistent leg injury. Federer had an elder sister Diana, born in 1979. The language he speaks are Swiss German, French, and English very well. Tweety bird is his good luck charm. Federer started playing tennis earlier ...